Despite a tough economy, the gaming industry held strong in 2008 and, according to Microsoft, Xbox 360 recorded the biggest year in Xbox history, with more consoles, games and online entertainment experiences sold than any previous year.

It was a year in which life-to-date unit sales of Xbox 360 systems climbed to 28 million consoles worldwide - expanding the product’s lead over Sony PlayStation 3 to more than 8 million units. The Xbox LIVE community also grew to more than 17 million active members, as online consumer spending increased 84 percent from last year.

Since the launch of the Xbox 360 three years ago, more than $1 billion has been spent on Xbox LIVE.

"For Xbox, 2008 will be remembered around the world as a pivotal growth year at retail and online - even in the face of tough economic conditions," said Don Mattrick, senior vice president of the Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft. "Worldwide, a record number of players flocked to our broadest games and entertainment lineup ever, while the New Xbox Experience thrilled millions of fans by making our console even more engaging. And yet, we’ve only provided a glimpse into the new world of interactive entertainment that we’re imagining. The best of Xbox 360 is yet to come."

Blood Splatter Xbox 360 Case Mod

Blood Splatter Xbox 360 Case Mod

Someone at the Llamma’s Game Console Forum has uploaded some photos of these sweet “Blood-Spattered” Xbox 360 case mod. The mod features off course lots of blood spatter. Check more interesting images after the jump!

Xbox 360 Wireless Helmet

Xbox First Look: Wireless Helmet and more

Xbox asks: “What’s popping up this spring?”, in an email to Xbox live customers today? Featured are the upcoming Xbox 360 Wireless Helmet, the Xbox Live Board Game, Xbox 360 Vintage Edition, and Xbox 360 Recon Edition. Any true gamer knows that the Wireless Helmet with Airflow temperature control, 5.1 digital surround sound, temple pressure rumble setting, and the ever desirable Flex-Plasma In-sight Display is the must have product of 2008. Or is it? Ya, it’s Microsoft getting all cavalier with an April’s Fools email. Bastards. I would’ve really liked a wireless helmet that jostled my brain around. Runner up: Xbox 360 Recon Edition - it sports a ‘low-energy 1TB HDD’ and ‘built-in passive sonar with a weather-proof shell’. Nice.

As the Playstation 3 enters its third year in market, Sony still is losing more than $50 on each unit sold.

Research firm iSuppli estimates that every $399 Playstation 3 console costs Sony $448.73 to build.

This loss is a significant improvement over the losses Sony incurred at the PS3 launch. During that time, it was estimated that the company lost $240 on the $599 consoles and $305 on the $499 version.

Moving both Cell processor as well as Nvidia Reality Synthesizer manufacturing to smaller die chip sizes helped reduce the CPU's cost from $89 in 2006 to $46 and the GPU from $129 in 2006 to $58. Thanks to the power savings caused by the smaller chips, Sony also managed to nix $10 off the Playstation 3 power supply unit.

Sony also redesigned the Playstation 3 in order to reduce its production costs. The company managed to cut down the number of internal parts from 4,048 to 2,820 parts, but not without sacrificing the "Emotion Engine" PS2 CPU chip, which was used for backwards compatibility with PS2 games



PS3 Grill

PS3 Grill

When the final case design of the Playstation 3 was released, it was widely critsised as looking exactly like a George Foreman Grill ... we decided this would be a great project and challenge to actually build the Real PS3 Grill."

I don't know about you, but I take comfort in knowing that somehow, somewhere, some dude is cooking up little steaks and sausages on a $600 toy. They're still working on the full tutorial and a video, but photos and disassembly instructions are available. [via] - Link & disassembly photos.

PS3 gets LCD Screen

Posted on Apr 18, 08 05:34 AM PDT

PS3 gets LCD Screen

The PS3 is still too big to be portable, but at the very least you will be able to play it in the comfort of your own room while mom and dad hog the HDTV in the living room. This 7" LCD display hooks up to your PS3, but unfortunately at that size, all the hi-resolution graphics offered by the PS3 comes to naught since you eye won't be able to tell the difference compared to a standard definition image. No idea on how much this costs though.


Nintendo Wii

I'm not usually one for the fancy case mods and such, since I'm a hopeless mess with the hot glue gun, but this Zelda mod for the Wii has got to be the coolest mod to tumble across my screen in some time. It's hard to find fault with Nintendo Wii Fanboy reader Jeremy's lit-up Linkfest: the sword even slides out from behind the shield... c'mon! An 18-step process of airbrushing to achieve a "hammered" black texture, four LEDs to the backlit shield and sword, another LED for the Triforce... that's good modding, right?

To sweeten the pot, Jeremy's put the whole shebang up for charity auction on eBay, with proceeds going to Penny Arcade's fantastic Child's Play, an organization that brings "toys, games, books and cash for sick kids in children's hospitals across North America." Check it out!

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